Custom Model Import

Thank you all for your feedback! Our most popular request for info was details on bringing in your own models. Please refer below and let us know in comments!


Update (01/25/24): We have pushed a new build that resolves the normals problem. Workarounds (exporting without normals) should not be required anymore. Please update your app in headset, and let us know how it works out! Thanks!

File Export guidelines: Caddy accepts models only in .obj and .mtl formats. 

  • Export *.obj without normals (this allows colors and textures in app).

  • *.obj files should be exported in “meters”. This is required for scale to be accurate within the app.

  • *.obj and *.mtl files must not contain spaces or special characters in the file name

  • *obj files can be renamed to reflect what is preferred to appear on the button in app.

  • *.mtl files are recommended to maintain original name as it was exported. If you’d like to change the name or include a different .mtl file; you will need to reassociate inside the obj file as well.

    • Open your obj file in text editor and modify this line to the new or renamed mtl file (Sample.obj shown here for example):
      mtllib SampleMAT.mtl

Model Import Steps:

Make sure CADDY is installed on Headset and has been launched once previously

Instructions for PC users (refer below for Mac):

  1. Put on Headset

  2. Plug Headset into PC via USB

  3. Click “USB Detected” Notification in Headset (Must do this immediately, notification closes after 5 seconds) 

  4. Remove Headset

  5. Open File Explorer on PC

  6. Navigate to: This PC\Quest 3\Internal shared storage\Android\data\com.meta.CADDY2\files\models

    • Make sure Caddy has been launched at least once after app install for above folder structure to appear in file explorer

  7. Copy and Paste *.obj and *.mtl files into directory identified above

  8. Put on Headset and launch CADDY.

  9. A blank button on the model menu should get populated with the imported file name; push to load model.

  10. If import doesn’t work yet, there might be a file permission issue, requiring world access. These commands below should grant read/write access to both files (.obj and .mtl)

    adb shell chmod 666 /sdcard/Android/data/com.meta.CADDY2/files/models/filename.obj

    adb shell chmod 666 /sdcard/Android/data/com.meta.CADDY2/files/models/filename.mtl

Sample files:

Alternative Headset USB connection setup methods:

If above connection method didn’t work for you, refer below:


  • Install

  • Connect headset via USB. Browse to “Device Settings and tools” -> Experimental and Miscellaneous -> turn on MTP (Media Transfer Protocol)

  • Headset should now appear as a device in File Explorer on PC. Continue from Step 5 above.

Method2: (Requires ADB Android Debug Bridge)

  • Launch this command:
    adb shell svc usb setFunctions mtp

  • Headset should now appear as a device in File Explorer on PC. Continue from Step 5 above.

Instructions for Mac users:

1. Install Android File Transfer

2. Plug Headset into Mac via USB

3. Allow connection on Mac, then allow connection on Headset

4. Navigate folders in Android file transfer tool to headset folder

5. Same as Step 6 onward in PC instructions above.

  • with the exception of requiring drag and drop instead of copy paste in Step 7.

  • If import doesn’t work, refer to Step 10 under PC instructions, and apply same commands in Mac.


Other details:

File format details:

  • Caddy currently accepts models only in .obj and .mtl formats. Please export from your favorite CAD package.

  • General guidance:

    • Current general limits are for obj file to be less than 100 mb and have less than 300 individual parts

    • Individual parts may need to be fine tuned for resolution to improve system performance.

    • Please Note: these aren’t fully validated limits. We’re still exploring further optimization options in this space, and look forward to your feedback.

  • Refer sample files for specific .obj and .mtl file formatting.

  • Current max: 5 custom models in app. We recommend model management within file explorer if it exceeds.


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